Cezar Bronner
Premium handcrafted cigars since 1956
The authentic
Dominican Cigar
A story where tradition and the search for perfection are the characteristics that determine our product: the authentic Dominican Cigar. It was in 1996, after finding the exact point between avant-garde and inheritance, when Eugenio A. Bronner founded this cigar house along with the experience and quality of Tabacalera Palma and the supervision of the expert in the area, Jochy Blanco.
25th Anniversary
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Cezar Bronner, we created a special, limited edition cigar.
The colors of the 10 unit box are a tribute to the Dominican Republic, where the Cezar Bronner brand was born and developed.
This cigar is created for the smoker to live an unforgettable experience of flavor and texture. The blend is designed for today’s most elite and demanding cigar smokers.
A “full-flavor” cigar, with aromas of leather, spices, toasted coffee and hints of guava.
Definitely a collection cigar.
Cabinet Selection
The Cabinet Selection is a premium cigar, handcrafted by true artisans from the Cibao Valley, Dominican Republic.
Dresses in a dark Mexican San Andres Wrapper and filled with well-aged (2-3 years) Dominican Tobaccos that give this cigar an aromatic smoke.
100% Cuban seeds grown in the Dominican Republic. With a beautiful wrapper selected for this elegant handmade cigar, with strong personality, which leaves sensations of cocoa and roasted coffee on the smoker’s palate.
A mixture of powerful and rare tobacco was created to give the smokers a unique and lovely sensation. This is a Full-Body Cigar with a good balance. A tribute to Cuban Tobacco.
This full-flavor Cigar is made with one of the most beautiful wrappers on the market. With his aromas of wood, nuts and leather and the spectacular white ash that delivers you will definitely come back for more.