Freud Cigar Co. is a luxury cigar house utilizing the finest aged tobaccos, with a brand steeped in history and the namesake of one of the most prominent cigars smokers in world history — Dr. Sigmund Freud.
Debut Blend
Crafted by the Ventura Family
Freud said the SuperEgo strives for moral perfection. We used that as our benchmark when crafting this blend. The result is an exquisite medium-bodied cigar, with elements of cinnamon, toffee and cedarwood, and a dynamic profile that transforms throughout the smoking experience.
Crafted by Eladio Diaz
In Greek, Agape means the highest form of love. This limited-edition blend embodies exactly that — the reverence we have for the art of cigar making.
A Dominican Puro, Agape is made from five varieties of fillers from different growing regions, totalling seven unique elements with the wrapper and binder. It’s a medium-bodied cigar, with floral sensations and creamy, slightly spicy notes that moisturize the entire mouth with sensations of bitter cocoa and oak wood.
Unique and evocative,
this is our love letter to the craft.
AlterEgo features PELO DE ORO tobacco in its blend – among the rarest cigar tobaccos in the world. AlterEgo reveals the other side of Master Blender Eladio Diaz, it is the type of cigar he likes to smoke him- self, hitting the sweet spot between medium and full bodied – and it is the first Tabacalera Diaz Cabrera cigar in the core collection from Freud Cigar Co.
Freud Cigars Limited Edition Sigmund : Chapter One -
The Disruptor Tasting Notes
This regal, medium body, double corona cigar stimulates all the senses - pleasant, intense, sweet - keeping the mouth clean and perfectly moist, it is a complex and very well balanced cigar without aftertaste - medium and high notes of wood, walnut and cocoa throughout in perfect harmony - an invitation to keep smoking!