The Square line of cigars, born of the Belgian know-how of the Meerapfel family, stands out for its careful fermentation and attractive value for money. Known for distributing brands such as Padron and Arturo Fuente, the family also manages plantations worldwide, guaranteeing the superior quality of their tobacco leaves. With six varied modules - from Square 1 to Square 6 - the collection offers a range of flavors and intensities to suit every enthusiast's taste. The resulting smoke is balanced, honoring the accessibility and diversity of the cigar-making heritage through these affordable premium cigars.


Square Line (1)

Visit Square 1 is a Corona, creamy with a pronounced woody aroma, slightly spicy with medium strength and a light finish. This cigar is a Nicaraguan puro measuring 130 mm in length and 15.1 mm in diameter. It will require 30 to 50 minutes to taste properly.The Square line has been carefully fermented, which is reflected in the quality of the tobacco leaves. The result is an inexpensive cigar with a harmonious, balanced smoke.Behind the cigar line is the Meerapfel family from Belgium. Meerapfel is known as a worldwide distributor of Padron and Arturo Fuente cigars. In addition to distribution, the family operates numerous tobacco plantations around the world, which is Meerapfel's core business.

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Square Line (2)

Visit Square 2 is a NUB, like a "cortado" espresso, with a dash of milk. Medium body, light to medium intensity and a smooth finish. This cigar is a Nicaraguan puro measuring 101 mm in length and 23.8 mm in diameter. It will take 40 minutes to taste properly.

The Square line has been carefully fermented, which is reflected in the quality of the tobacco leaves. The result is an inexpensive cigar with a harmonious, balanced smoke.

Behind the cigar line is the Meerapfel family from Belgium. Meerapfel is known as a worldwide distributor of Padron and Arturo Fuente cigars. In addition to distribution, the family operates numerous tobacco plantations around the world, which is Meerapfel's core business.

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Square Line (3)

Visit Square 3 is a Robusto Grande with an earthy taste and floral aromas, medium body and medium intensity. This cigar is a Nicaraguan puro measuring 127 mm in length and 23.8 mm in diameter. It will take 60 to 90 minutes to taste properly.

The Square line has been carefully fermented, which is reflected in the quality of the tobacco leaves. The result is an inexpensive cigar with a harmonious, balanced smoke.

Behind the cigar line is the Meerapfel family from Belgium. Meerapfel is known as a worldwide distributor of Padron and Arturo Fuente cigars. In addition to distribution, the family operates numerous tobacco plantations around the world, which is Meerapfel's core business.

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Square Line (4)

Visit Square 4 is an elegant Robusto with a hint of spice on the palate and an excellent medium and final intensity. This cigar is a Nicaraguan puro measuring 127 mm in length and 19.8 mm in diameter. It will take 45 to 60 minutes to taste properly.

The Square line has been carefully fermented, which is reflected in the quality of the tobacco leaves. The result is an inexpensive cigar with a harmonious, balanced smoke.

Behind the cigar line is the Meerapfel family from Belgium. Meerapfel is known as a worldwide distributor of Padron and Arturo Fuente cigars. In addition to distribution, the family operates numerous tobacco plantations around the world, which is Meerapfel's core business.

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Square Line (5)

Visit Square 5 is a Toro Gordo, creamy with a pronounced woody aroma, slightly spicy with medium strength and a light finish. This cigar is a Nicaraguan puro measuring 152 mm in length and 24.6 mm in diameter. It will take 80 to 100 minutes to taste properly.

The Square line has been carefully fermented, which is reflected in the quality of the tobacco leaves. The result is an inexpensive cigar with a harmonious, balanced smoke.

Behind the cigar line is the Meerapfel family from Belgium. Meerapfel is known as a worldwide distributor of Padron and Arturo Fuente cigars. In addition to distribution, the family operates numerous tobacco plantations around the world, which is Meerapfel's core business.

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Square Line (6)

Visit Square 6 is a NUB, creamy with a pronounced woody aroma, slightly spicy with medium strength. This cigar is a Nicaraguan puro measuring 102 mm in length and 23.8 mm in diameter. It takes 40 minutes to taste properly. It is differentiated by its maduro wrapper to match the cigar's blend.

The Square line has been carefully fermented, which is reflected in the quality of the tobacco leaves. The result is an inexpensive cigar with a harmonious, balanced smoke.

Behind the cigar line is the Meerapfel family from Belgium. Meerapfel is known as a worldwide distributor of Padron and Arturo Fuente cigars. In addition to distribution, the family operates numerous tobacco plantations around the world, which is Meerapfel's core business.

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